Gatherings of the ALRA

A forum for the National Officers of the ALRA to post news regarding the Association.
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Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 7:51 pm
Real Name: John K. Stanley
Patriot Number: 138
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Gatherings of the ALRA

Post by j.k.stanley » Wed Aug 31, 2016 8:53 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen of the ALRA,

After a review of the insurance policy by myself and Ty. We have come to the conclusion that at our three national, events only paid members and their immediate family members should be allowed range privaleges
The wording in the policy makes is such that if any occurance by a non member were to happen it would not be covered. Leaving us hung out to dry so to speak! I will put a tidbit in my journal in the next gazette stating the same!
Hope all is well with everyone!

Sent from my iPhone

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