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Outstanding article about horse scouting, in OTT!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:19 am
by Doc Mark
Morning, All,

For those that may not yet have seen it, there is an outstanding article in the latest issue of OTT, by Richard Patton, on period horseback scouts! I keep reading it, over and over, and it reminds me, very much, of many of the things that our group enjoyed, and endured, during our 100+ mile horse scout this past September!! There are some outstanding quotes in that article, that really hit home with me. One, from Jeff Hengesbaugh, candidly says it like it is, when out in the wilderness: "The mountains don't care of you're lost. The desert doesn't care of you're thirsty. The river doesn't care of you're drowning"! These statements really bring home the necessity of honing and using your skills when out in the wilderness, and also of relying on each other to keep the entire group as safe as is possible. The second quote is from the author, Richard Patton, and to me, it sums up the most important thing about going to the woods with a group of Friends: "A group of men who launch into the wilderness, determined to get lost for a week, emerge with a feeling about themselves and each other, that is quite simply invaluable, and nearly impossible to duplicate, short of mortal combat, and precious"! This says it all, Friends, at least to me!!!

I know that, during our horse scout this past September, we all took very good care of one another, and were concerned for the safety of the entire band, including our mounts. We shared whatever meager fare we had on hand, and whatever we could harvest off the land. In the end, we all grew closer together, and I would never hesitate to trust any of our group with my life, any time, any place! To me, that's what it's all about.

So, if you haven't read this article, as of yet, please do yourself a favor and give it a good read. I think you will find it interesting, educational, and enjoyable! My own article about our September horse scout will be available, soon. Take care, and God Bless!

Every Good Wish,
Doc Mark
ALRA #224
Western Partisan

Re: Outstanding article about horse scouting, in OTT!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:14 pm
by j.k.stanley
Tis a great article. Patton has penned several articles, including one in the book of buckskinning 7, I think. On period saddles. It is a great read also. He is a wonderful author. He talks about spending time in the woods and the kinships that grow from it. He could not be farther from the truth. I also Like Hengisbaughs quotes. "The mountain doesn't care if you are lost, the desert doesnty care if you are thirsty and the river doesnt care if you are drowning"!!! All true!
