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Post by royjkatz » Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:43 am


Elections: as per the bylaws, the offices of Eastern Partisan, Western Partisan, and Factor are up for election in 2011.

Incumbent Eastern Partisan Rob Park is running for reelection and has been nominated and seconded as per the bylaws;

Incumbent Western Partisan Mark Rutledge is running for reelection and has been nominated and seconded as per the bylaws;

Incumbent Factor Roy Katz is not running for reelection. William Rundorff has submitted a valid nominating petition (signed by at least 10% of the Patriot membership) for the office of Factor.

Anyone else interested in running for one of these offices must submit a nominating petition signed by a minimum of 12 Patriot members within the next month so that a primary election ballot can be included in the February Gazette as per the bylaws. Please send nominating petitions to the Factor. A Patriot may only sign one nominating petition per office.

2011 Dues: should be submitted by January 30th. Dues remain at $15. The Factor will appreciate efforts of State Lts. and individual members to receive the dues in a timely fashion.

Your most humble & obedient servant,

Roy Katz

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