Merry Christmas one and all! May everyone have a joyous Christmas Season and a Happy New Year.
If you should feel adventurous and want to try a period recipe, i found this one in "The Williamsburg Art Of Cookery or Accomplish'd Gentlewoman's Companion" for fruit cake: (recipe prior to 1776 from the Graves and Hatcher Families)
Cream one and a half Pounds of unsalted butter, and sift in one and a half Pounds of Flour. Beat the yolks of eighteen Eggs very lightly, then beat into them slowly a Pound and a half of Sugar, then mix with them the stiffly beaten Whites. Combine. Add one fourth Pound each of finely cut candied Orange-peel and Lemon-peel, candied Cherries, three fourths of a Pound of finely cut Citron and three pounds of well-cleaned Currants which have soaked Overnight in one cup of Brandy. Add the Fruits to the Batter and bake slowly in Pans lined with well-greased brown Paper for several Hours.
Merry Christmas All,
Delbert Hupp #169
Mo St. Lt.
NSCA Committee Member
Merry Christmas All!
- Delbert Hupp #169
- Posts: 99
- Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:38 am
- Real Name: Delbert Hupp
- Patriot Number: 169
- level: Scout
- Location: S.E. Missouri
Merry Christmas All!
Delbert Hupp #169
Missouri St. Lt.
Never argue with the stupid!........They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!
Missouri St. Lt.
Never argue with the stupid!........They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!
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