18th Century Skills Competition

A Place for the National Officers and Patriot level members of the ALRA to post details regarding upcoming ALRA events.
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Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:16 pm
Real Name: Cal Foreman
Patriot Number: 238
level: Woodsman
Location: Central Oregon

18th Century Skills Competition

Post by Foushee1 » Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:56 pm

This year at the Western Gathering we will be having an 18th century skills competition. You can take part in it on eather Wednesday or Friday at 2:00. Depending on your skill and or what you consumed the night before it could take from 10 to 30 minutes to complete. It is a two person event. The following items may or may not be needed, but I would strongly advise them to be taken. Shared between both team members:
Belt Hawk
Piece of Fruit
Ball Mold Kit
Fire Starting Kit
Belt Knife
Leather Strap
Spare Button
And anything you might take on a short scout
This will be a timed event ....... it will be fun......... Pick your partner carefully. Good Luck.
Cal Foreman
ALRA #238
Oregon St. Lt.
"Master Woodsman"

"Nobody can aquire honor by doing what is wrong" Thomas Jefferson

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