30 miler

A Place for the National Officers and Patriot level members of the ALRA to post details regarding upcoming ALRA events.
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Posts: 59
Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 7:51 pm
Real Name: John K. Stanley
Patriot Number: 138
level: Patriot

30 miler

Post by j.k.stanley » Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:46 pm

I have been talking with some of the Utah boys and they are interested in doing a 30 miler in 2012. I know this is a long way out. I figured however if it were on the board for some time, any one with an interest even if you not from the immediate area could make plans to attend.

It will be the 25-27 of May(Memorial weekend). It will take place in the Cache Valley are of northern Utah. We will mostly be on trails in the high country. Snow will definatly be still hanging around. If you plan on attending bring ice creepers with you. We will walk into the Cache valley Rendezvous(a pork eater vous)

This historically THE 30 MILER. Dave Morby and the founders started this along time ago. This was my first outing as an ALRA proby member. It is not EASY! Course nothing worhtwhile ever is. Water will be taken from streams, We will make arrangements for 2 pumps to be with us.

Any one interested can contact me on the forum here or call me at 208 851 1770 any time. The Salt lake airport is about 70 miles or so from Logan, which is very close to kick off point. It would be grand to field a large party for this scout if we can. Dont hesitate to come if you can make it!!!

Ken "Eggs & Shit" Stanley

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